Un-Happy Hour – A Conversation About Disruptive Queer Cinema

Thursday, April 16, 2020
18:00 UK time
1:00pm East Coast USA time

The conversation will be transcribed as it happens in the chat screen.

Topic: Un-Happy Hour with Krissy Mahan
Time: Apr 16, 2020 06:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
1:00 PM  East Coast USA Time

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Password: c

This will be a conversation (really – hearing from everyone) about film and filmmaking and film festivals after COVID 19.
krissy mahan (me) will be hosting it, so expect swear words and my un-informed but strongly held opinions. Also, I might be the only one there.

Some things we are learning:

  • Progressive cultural work will be more important than ever as people look for a way forward.
  • IF the ship is sinking, let’s make strong connections with other people of good will.

What this conversation hope to be:

  • What are best accessibility practices now that the world has discovered that they exist?
  • How can we (through short film) twist knives and pour salt into the gaping wounds of capitalism?
  • How can we lift up the voices and materially support the people who best can envision a world we’d want to live in – QTPOC, people with disabilities, immigrants, refugees, women?
  • What role will actual in-person film festivals have going forward? More or less importance?

What this time will NOT be:

  • How to get grants from foundations who get rich off of extraction/exploitation. No.
  • How to pitch a screenplay to heteronormative Hollywood. No.
  • Self-congratulatory blah blahing from people who were doing just fine.

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Password: 412040
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