I am proud to have been included in an Oska Bright film program curated by The Scottish Queer International Film Festival and the Glasgow Short Film Festival. This is what we’re fighting hard to achieve. Thanks for putting this together! Oska Bright Film Festival
The Oska Bright Film Festival is the leading international festival of films made by, or featuring, people with learning disabilities. It is produced, managed and presented by a learning disabled team.
HuffPostUK article: It Is Important That People With A Learning Disability Are Seen On Screen And Stage Simply Because We Exist
(from the article linked above) “When I first started acting, I faced a lot of negativity. There was a lot of misconceptions from casting directors that I wouldn’t be able to act a part, or that I would hold up the filming or production schedule because of my disability. They were also worried about how to direct me as they didn’t know how to communicate with me or didn’t think that I would be able to understand what they wanted me to do.”