Asheville Fringe Arts Festival (North Carolina) showing CAROL

Asheville Fringe Arts Festival 2024 laurels“A war profiteer with a gun takes a young working class woman cross country then chickens out when he (whoops I mean she) realizes that actions have consequences. What could go wrong????” Whose version of CAROL is aging better? This one. Lucky attendees of @avlfringefest the Asheville (North Carolina) Fringe Arts Festival has a night of short films on Monday March 18, 2024 and my parody of that schamltzy mess about a rich white lady behaving badly is on the program. The program is being held at the Grail Moviehouse#cateblanchett stop playing lesbians. Love me some #FringeFestival and wish I could attend.

Monday March 18, 2024  9:00pm

VERTIGO by Maison Mouton Noir (France)
Fish by Sara Bolandakhtar (Iran)
Carol by Krissy Mahan (United States)
DIVINATION by Eric Thornabar (United States)
Dove by Igor Gladkov (Russia)
Musical Television by David Wightman & Jacob Ciocci (United States)
Sincopat by Pol Diggler (Spain)

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